Wooden Retail Point of Purchase Wine Displays

Create the perfect wooden retail point-of-purchase display or packaging solution for your bottle or brand. Fill out the form below to start creating your project with Golden State Box Factory today!
permanent wooden retail display for wine and spirits - custom logo and finishes
Project Description
Looking to replace their aging pinewood case stack display, our customer commissioned us to design and manufacture a more modern and high-end permanent display for showcasing their wine.
We opted for an open design associated laser-cut Plexi and Oak veneered panel wood.
This project illustrates Golden State Box Factory capacity to offer a full-service POP display development: from 3D renderings to mixed materials manufacturing- all with a constant focus on detail.
Golden State Box Factory logo
Contact us
(541) 754-3010
2155 Paseo de las Americas,
Suite 31, San Diego, CA 92154
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Please leave us a message with your contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible to assist you!